Region Transition Recommendations

Every time I enter a new region I find myself short of resources. It's hard to know how much to save because you can't see the costs, right? So earlier this season I asked my fellow union members to ponder this and see if we could come up with savings recommendations for each regional transition. After quite a bit of discussion and data-gathering, one of our members, Jim Mahlzahn, put together an excellent webapp that shows the amount that you need for each upgrade, or for a series of upgrades to reach a specific goal. For example, if you want to push an Event Legendary from 40 slots to 80 slots, it will tell you exactly how much gold and how many of each gear type you will need.

The tool can be found here: Region Transition

For example, the list below shows the gold cost to raise ONE legendary event train from starting level 40 to max level 80, in each region:

  • Germany: 4,187
  • USA: 22,584
  • France: 60,250
  • Canada: 121, 797
  • Finland: 196,803
  • Netherlands: 296,175
  • Australia: 459,354
  • Sweden: 723,703
  • Japan: 1,077,310
  • Egypt: 1,538,437

But of course this only tells you what you need for a single train upgrade in a specific region. To determine how much you need to save for a transition, we first need a guideline of what that consists of. To make a first attempt at this, I've used the following "ideal" set of event trains:

  • 2x event legendaries (key train + gold train)
  • 1x event epic
  • 2x event rare (1 from shop, 1 from event pass)
  • 1x event common

Granted you might not acquire some of these trains, so it's an "outside" parameter. You really need a LOT more than this for a smooth transition, especially if you're in a competitive union (mid-season). What you really want to know is how quickly you can be productive again. For all but the most competitive union players, this guideline would be enough to get you going again -- think of it as a "bare minimum". But we could use some help developing a more "competitive" guideline. (See below.)

So, using the tool, here's how that guideline would break down for ONE region, Australia:

  • 2x event leggies (40 -> 80): 30,270 gray gears, 3,140 gold gears, 918,708 gold
  • 1x event epic (30 -> 60): 46,374 gray gears, 7,494 purple gears, 300,207 gold
  • 2x event rare (20 -> 40): 50,348 gray gears, 52,306 blue gears, 325,934 gold
  • 1x event common (15 -> 30): 15,169 gray gears, 98,161 gold

So these would be the totals for Australia:

  • 1,643,010 gold
  • 142,161 gray gears
  • 52,306 blue gears
  • 7,494 purple gears
  • 3,140 gold gears

What I would call this is not "a complete savings goal for transitioning from Netherlands to Australia", but rather just "a good start!" For example, you also need thousands of keys for all the region's trains, and being ready to build up a few of those is a huge help right after a transition.


Union trains haven't been added to the tool yet because we don't have complete data on that. If you want help with this effort, that's the data we're looking for. We're also looking to improve the above "transition goal" to incorporate the broader needs of an actual transition. (Please feel free to post below or join us in our Discord's public channel to discuss it further. You can find our Discord link on the same page that's linked above.)